31 Jul

Hemorrhoid Treatment Options When you encounter bleeding from your hemorrhoids or if you already have hemorrhoids frequently, your physician may recommend one of several minimally invasive procedures. Which treatment is best for you depends largely on how severe your hemorrhoid condition is and what kind of hemorrhoids you possess? A simple procedure known as hemorrhoidectomy involves the surgical removal of your hemorrhoid. Your doctor will assess your situation and decide whether this is a procedure you want to undergo. 

If it is a minor hemorrhoid, a hemorrhoidectomy will usually involve little more than a scalpel and some local anesthesia. However, in some severe cases, hemorrhoidectomy may require more than just a scalpel and local anesthesia. Your physician may also perform an advanced procedure in which your hemorrhoids are surgically removed via laser technology. This type of hemorrhoid treatment offers quick relief of your symptoms by literally zapping them away. Since only small portions of your rectum and anus are affected, the surgery is less evasive and will require a shorter recovery period.

Sclerotherapy is another minimally invasive option, your doctor may suggest. In this procedure, a chemical irritant is injected into your hemorrhoids. Over time, the irritation causes them to shrink and fall off. In some cases, the sclerotherapy may even cure your hemorrhoids. Another hemorrhoid-fighting treatment is to apply witch hazel to your stool. By placing a few drops of witch hazel on your stool, your digestive tract will pass bowel movements more easily and smoothly. 

The mucus, your body produces to protect its sensitive anal tissues during a bowel movement also acts as protection for your hemorrhoids. As your blood vessels to contract and dilate, they become less irritated, thus reducing the risk of itching or irritation. There are also several minimally invasive procedures, your doctor can perform. One such procedure involves staining your hemorrhoid tissue with a solution that has a mild anesthetic. Afterward, your doctor will use a laser to burn through the hemorrhoid tissue, causing it to blister and collapse. 

Once the tissue has died, it can be removed through a small incision. Another option for your home remedies for piles includes the use of a combination of surgery and sclerotherapy. In internal hemorrhoids, a band or other means of applying compression causes blood vessels to swell and harden. Once they harden, they can no longer support the weight of your anal tissues, so they crumble. If you sit for prolonged periods of time, you are at a higher risk of developing internal hemorrhoids. This is due to the fact that sitting places undue stress on the lower anal canal, contributing to the formation of painful and difficult-to-treat sores. 

According to Dr. Childs, sitting is also very counterproductive for relieving hemorrhoid pain. "So if you sit all day long, and you don't move, you're just going to keep sitting." For people who are always on the go and whose jobs require a lot of sitting down, Dr. Childs says that a good hemorrhoid cream and some good posture will help relieve pressure off the affected area. "But really, just standing up and walking around once in a while can improve circulation and lessen the amount of time you sit." 

If you want to find a treatment for piles that's all natural, there are a few things you can do to help prevent hemorrhoids in the first place. For example, if you are prone to digestive problems such as diarrhea, you should try to eat more fiber. Greater amounts of fiber can help keep your stools soft and therefore reduce the amount of straining you may endure during a bowel movement. Greater amounts of fiber can also prevent constipation by increasing the amount of liquid that is absorbed from your foods.

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